4.0  Word Processing Package

4.7.4 Moving And Copying Text Using Standard Toolbar


Moving Text

As you're typing a document, you'll probably want to restructure it a bit. You may need to move a word or phrase within a sentence, reorganize the flow of sentences within a paragraph, or change the order of some paragraphs.


To Move Text:

1.       Select the text that you want to move. (Use any method described in "Selecting Text")

2.       Click the Cut button on the Standard toolbar or press Ctrl+X. The text disappears from its current location.

3.       Navigate to the destination, and place the insertion point exactly where you want the text to appear.

4.       Click the Paste button in the Standard toolbar or press Ctrl+V. The text is pasted into the destination, and existing text to the right of the insertion point moves over to make room for the inserted text.


Copying Text

If you want to insert a block of text that you've already typed somewhere else, it's much faster to copy it than to type it from scratch. Follow these steps to copy text:


1.   Select the text that you want to copy.

2.   Click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar or press Ctrl+C. The original text remains in its current location.

3.    Navigate to the destination, and make sure that the insertion point is exactly where you want to text to appear.

4.   Click the Paste button in the Standard toolbar or press Ctrl+V. The text is pasted into the destination, and existing text to the right of the insertion point moves over to make room for the inserted text.


4.8 Finding And Replacing Text


4.8.1 Replacing Occurrences Of text One By One Or All Occurrences of Text In One Shot


Find text


1.       On the Edit menu, click Find. You will get a Window as shown in Figure 4.8.1


Figure 4.8.1



2.       In the Find what box, enter the text that you want to search for.

3.       Select any other options that you want.

4.       Click Find Next.

5.       To cancel a search in progress, press ESC.


Replace text


1.       On the Edit menu, click Replace. You will get a Window as shown in Figure



Figure 4.8.2


2.       In the Find what box, enter the text that you want to search for.

3.       In the Replace with box, enter the replacement text.

4.       Select any other options that you want.

5.       Click Find Next, Replace, or Replace All.

6.       To cancel a search in progress, press ESC. 


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