11. Creating ActiveX  Documents

Creating the ActiveX Document Project:

Open the code window and enter the codes as shown in the figure 2a.   Save the form and the project separately the form is saved as demodocform.dob and the project is saved as demodocproject.vbp.

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Text1.Text = ctof(CDbl(Text1.Text))

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Text = ftoc(CDbl(Text1.Text))

End Sub

Function ftoc(temp As Double) As Double

ftoc = (temp - 32) * 5 / 9

End Function

Function ctof(temp As Double) As Double

ctof = temp * (9 / 5) + 32

End Function

        Figure 2a

Then select ‘Make demodocproj.DLL’ from the File menu.   This will create a document file named demodocform.vbd.   Open the Internet Explorer and view the file ‘demodocform.vbd’.   The project appears as shown in the figure 3 and you can interact with it as you do with any Standard EXE project. 

                                Figure 3

Creating the ActiveX Document from an existing Standard  ActiveX EXE Project:

Suppose you create a Standard EXE project to draw a color gradient.   The design window of the color gradient project looks as in the figure 4.  It contains one Picture box control and three command button controls as shown in the figure 4.   Open the code window and enter the codes as shown in the figure 4a.   Save and run the project and see that the color gradient works properly.   You can experiment with different starting and ending colors for the gradient by changing the values of the variables color1 and color2.    

               Figure 4


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim newcolor As Long

Dim ipixel, pwidth As Integer

Dim redinc, greeninc, blueinc As Single

Dim color1 As Long, color2 As Long

color1 = RGB(255, 255, 0)

color2 = RGB(0, 0, 0)

startred = getred(color1)

endred = getred(color2)

startgreen = getgreen(color1)

endgreen = getgreen(color2)

startblue = getblue(color1)

endblue = getblue(color2)

pwidth = Picture1.ScaleWidth

redinc = (endred - startred) / pwidth

greeninc = (endgreen - startgreen) / pwidth

blueinc = (endblue - startblue) / pwidth

For ipixel = 0 To pwidth - 1

newcolor = RGB(startred + redinc * ipixel, startgreen + greeninc * ipixel, startblue + blueinc * ipixel)

Picture1.Line (ipixel, 0)-(ipixel, Picture1.Height - 1), newcolor


End Sub


Function getred(colorval As Long) As Integer

getred = colorval Mod 256

End Function

Function getgreen(colorval As Long) As Integer

tgreen = ((colorval And &HFF00FF) / 256&)

End Function

Function getblue(colorval As Long) As Integer

getblue = (colorval And &HFF0000) / (256& * 256&)

End Function


Figure 4a 


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