11. Creating ActiveX  Documents

So far we have been looking at the VB projects in its own environment.   With the growth of the internet it has become necessary to make every project Browser enabled.   It is possible to make every  VB Standard EXE project  Browser enabled by converting to what is named as ActiveX Document Project.

Creating the ActiveX Document Project:

Open the VB IDE and select New from the File menu.   The Project window Dialog appears as shown in the figure 1.

                      Figure 1 

Now select ActiveX Document DLL icon.   Immediately the user document form is opened.   Select the ‘project’ item and change its name as ‘demodocproj’ by opening its properties window.   In a similar way select the ‘form’ item and change its name as ‘demodocform’.   Now you can create any project in the form as we do for the Standard EXE project.   In this example we create a project to convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to Centigrade and vice versa.   Drag two labels , one text box and two command buttons, size them, caption them and position them as shown in the figure 2.

                         Figure 2


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