12.  Database Projects

In this lesson we will consider some  projects using DAOs, ODBC and ADOs..

1. Creating a Database and a Table:

The dbEngine object is used to create the workspace for the database file.   The  TableDef object is used to create the table.  Drag three command buttons in the form, caption them, size them and position them as shown in the figure 1.   Open the code window and enter the codes as shown in the figure 1a.   Data are inserted in the table by the sql command ‘insert’.  The syntax of the Insert statement is:


Any number of records can be added, but each time the enter data  button is pressed.

Save and run the project and see how the three commands work.   You will get an error message if you try to create a database which is already present.   You can see the database table in the Immediate window by pressing the display button.  In order to see the database table in the DBGrid, open another form.   Place a data control and  a DBGrid control box.   Bind the data control to the database ‘publisher’ and  the Record Source to  ‘author’.   DBGrid is bound to ‘Data1’..     and  The form2 is shown in the figure 2 and the output is shown in the figure 3.    Notice the two forms are not related in the program and so is separately run.    To run the form2, open the properties dialog table by pressing the properties item from the project menu and select form2 for the startup object from the dropdown list.

Dim ws As Workspace

Dim db As Database

Dim td As TableDef


Private Sub Command1_Click()

'program for creating a database

Dim i As Integer

Dim flds(2) As Field

Set ws = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)

Set db = ws.CreateDatabase("c:\vbproj\publisher", dbLangGeneral, dbVersion25)

Set td = db.CreateTableDef("author")

Set flds(0) = td.CreateField("auid", dbLong)

Set flds(1) = td.CreateField("aname", dbText)

flds(1).Size = 10

td.Fields.Append flds(0)

td.Fields.Append flds(1)

db.TableDefs.Append td

MsgBox ("database created")

End Sub


Private Sub Command2_Click()

'program for inserting data

Set db = OpenDatabase("c:\vbproj\publisher")

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("author", dbOpenTable)

db.Execute SQLTEXT, dbFailOnError

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Set db = OpenDatabase("c:\vbproj\publisher")

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("author", dbOpenTable)

Do While Not rs.EOF

Debug.Print rs(0), rs(1)




End Sub


 Figure 1a

                                  Figure 1

               Figure 2



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