2.0  Using DOS

2.9 Using COPY CON to Build a File


Typical Operations


In this activity you use the COPY command to create files. Begin at the DOS prompt. If you are using a hard disk system with a single floppy drive, substitute drives A for B in the following procedures.


1.  Place a formatted disk in drive B and close the load lever.


2.  Type COPY CON: B:FILE and press Return.


3.  Type the following text, ending each line with Return. Press Ctrl-Z and then press Return     on                                   the last line to obtain ^Z character.

        This is file number one.

        It contains three lines.



4.  Type COPY B:FILE1 CON: and press Return; notice that your new file is displayed on the console(screen).



2.10 Introduction to Simple Batch Files


How do I write batch programs:


Geez, do I have to answer this? But people ask... You'd be surprised how many people are in that narrow transition period of knowing how to type commands, but not knowing how to put them together in a batch file. Here is the short version: Get yourself a DOS prompt. Type in the commands you need to do whatever it is you need to do. If your commands work, open up Notepad and type those SAME COMMANDS in the SAME ORDER. Don't type what appeared on the screen, just type what you actually typed in. Save that file with a bat extension (For example "test.bat"). Now instead of having to type the commands, you can just double-click the batch file. Sure, your first batch file may only have two or three commands, but it counts. It's a batch program.




Batch files are programs that all MS-DOS users can create to help do long tasks fast. Such as opening certain programs ran frequently, deleting or managing files, etc. Simple batch files do not require any special programming skills and usually can be done by knowing the below commands and or just DOS commands.


A prime example of a batch file for someone whom may know more about Windows or MacOS would be relating a batch file to a shortcut in Windows or with the MacOS, A batch file like a shortcut is a small file which is used to run frequently accessed programs.


Another example of a very well known batch file is the autoexec.bat, which is simply a boot file loaded each time the computer is loaded within this file contains various lines to load various programs and drivers into memory.




To create a basic batch file first get to a MS-DOS command prompt and follow the below instructions:


1.   At the MS-DOS prompt type edit test.bat and press enter.


2.       If typed properly you should now be in a blue screen within the blue screen type:pausedir c:\windowsdir c:\windows\system

3.       Once the above three lines have been typed in the blue screen choose file and choose exit, when prompted to save click yes

4.       Once you are back at the prompt type test. When you press enter this should execute the                     test.bat file and begin running the file. Because the first line is pause you will first be prompted to press a key. Once you press a key the batch file will run line by line in this case listing the files in the windows and windows\system directory. If you wish to add more lines to this batch file you would simply type edit test.bat again to edit the file.



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