5.5 Working with Formulae

So far we have talked about the essentials of creating simple tables in Excel and formatting them. The important feature missing so far is the Calculating the figure in those tables using formulas.

In fact formulae convert these very tables into worksheet. The whole purpose of building worksheets is to have Excel perform calculations in an efficient manner. This can be done by either building formulas of using ready made formulas called as functions.

The formulas are essentially the ones which you create based on your understanding of Mathematics in order to perform either simple or complex calculations. Whereas the functions are the built-in or the ready to use formulas offered by Excel. These functions can also be directly applied to a simple or complex calculation. When you apply a function you need not to worry about the structure of the formula contained therein.

Apart from the formulas and functions Excel offers two ready made features viz. AutoSum and Function Wizard, which help in quick computing.


5.6.1 Totalling Rows Columns Automatically

AutoSum feature of Excel is used to total rows and or columns. The feature is accessible via the AutoSum button on the Standard toolbar. It automatically creates a formula to total rows and columns of any dimensions.

AutoSum can be used in one of the three ways:

-          To locate any total the rows or columns in a range nearest to the current cell.

-          To total any range that you select.

-          To add grand totals to a range containing other totals.

To automatically total the nearest range, click the AutoSum button. Immediately thereafter check that the selected range is correct. In case its incorrect then you need to correct them manually.

Before starting with AutoSum first create a new worksheet with some numeric values and

1.       Click on the cell where you want to display the sum.

2.       Click on AutoSum button.

3.       You will find that Excel has selected a correct range. Press Enter to give your consent to the automatically constructed formula. Similarly try to sum another range.



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