5.13 Using functions



A formula in Microsoft Excel performs calculations on values in your worksheet. Typically, formulas perform calculations on all the values in a given range. However, what if you want Excel to change your formula if a certain condition is true, or what if you want to include only the values that meet certain conditions in the calculation? For example, you might want to track the orders placed by your salespeople and then summarize the sales for each salesperson without reorganizing your data. Or you might want to determine the bonus amount awarded for each sale, based on the total invoice amount. When you want formulas to perform conditional tests, you can use conditional formulas in Excel.  


A list of sales by salesperson. Use conditional formulas to calculate bonus percentages and to summarize, per salesperson, the number of orders placed and the total amount invoiced during a given period.  


Excel includes three worksheet functions that calculate results based upon conditions. To count the number of occurrences that a specific value appears in a range of cells, use the COUNTIF worksheet function. To calculate a total amount based on a single condition, use the SUMIF worksheet function. To return one of two values — such as the bonus percent amount — use the IF worksheet function.  


If you are not familiar with worksheet functions, the Conditional Sum Wizard that can assist you with creating formulas that calculate sums based on conditions.  


The SUMIF and COUNTIF worksheet functions


Suppose that you want to create a summary of that shows, for each salesperson, the total number of orders placed and the total amount invoiced for a given period. To count the number of orders placed, use the COUNTIF worksheet function. To calculate the total amount invoiced, use the SUMIF worksheet function.  




The COUNTIF worksheet function counts the number of orders placed for each salesperson.

COUNTIF has two arguments: the range to be checked and the value to check for within the range (the criteria).


For Buchanan, the function (in cell B32) looks like this:


The function counts the number of times the name in cell A32 (the criteria argument) appears in the Salesperson list (A2:A26, the range argument).  




The SUMIF worksheet function calculates the total amount invoiced for each salesperson.

The SUMIF worksheet function checks for a value within a range and then sums all the corresponding values in another range. SUMIF has three arguments: the range to be checked, the value to check for within the range (the criteria), and the range containing the values to be summed.


For Buchanan, the function (in cell C32) looks like this:


The formula checks for the text in cell A32 (the criteria argument) in the Salesperson list (A2:A26, the range argument) and then sums the corresponding amounts from the Total Invoice column (B2:B26 the sum_range argument).  


The IF worksheet function


Suppose that your company determines sales bonuses on a sliding scale, awarding either 10 percent or 15 percent, based on the invoice amount. To determine which one of two values to use, based on a condition that is either true or false, use the IF worksheet function.

The IF worksheet function returns a bonus of either 10% or 15%, based on the invoice amount.

The IF worksheet function checks a condition that must be either true or false. If the condition is true, the function returns one value; if the condition is false, the function returns another value. The function has three arguments: the condition you want to check, the value to return if the condition is true, and the value to return if the condition is false.


For Suyama's $8,000 invoice, the function (in cell C4) looks like this:


If the invoice amount is less than $10,000 (the logical_test argument), the bonus is 10 percent (the value_if_true argument). If the invoice amount is $10,000 or greater, the bonus is 15 percent (the value _if_false argument).  


The Conditional Sum Wizard


Suppose you have multiple conditions you want to check. The Conditional Sum Wizard can create the conditional formulas for you.

The Conditional Sum Wizard quickly builds formulas that contain multiple conditions. You can use the mouse to define the conditions and then the wizard adds the formulas to your worksheet.

In the wizard, you specify the location of the list, the condition to check, and the location for the result. In the preceding example, you are summing the invoice amounts for Buchanan's sales that were greater than $10,000.

The wizard then creates an array formula that calculates the result for you. If you need to change the condition, you can use the wizard again and replace the results in the location you originally specified.

The Conditional Sum Wizard is an add-in program supplied with Excel.  


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