4.0  Word Processing Package

4.6.3 The Formatting Toolbar


The second Toolbar, called the Formatting Toolbar, contains Window Tools such as Changing the Font Type, Size, Style, Text alignment, Numbering etc.

Figure 4.6.1 shows the Standard Toolbar.



Figure 4.6.2

These formats affect the appearance of individual characters. These can be applied to any number of characters ranging from one character to the entire File.

Some of these formats are available in the format menu, however clicking buttons and selecting options from the lists on the Formatting toolbar is much faster.




Change Font face

Change font size

Bold face


Italics Face

Align text to Left.

Align text to Center.

Align text to Right.


Justify Text





Decrease Indent

Increase Indent




Text color



To know the function of all the buttons on Formatting Toolbar place the mouse pointer on the button, do not click it. In a moment, you will see that Excel displays the name of the button. This helpful feature is called as ToolTip.


Character and Paragraph formats:


To apply character formatting to a single word, select the word. To apply character formatting to several words or a few characters within a word or a paragraph, select the text you want to change.


Changing the font of character or paragraph:


1. Select the text you want to change.

2. On the Formatting toolbar, select a font name in the Font box

    In the above Font box Arial is selected.




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